Planting Trees with the Main Street Association

Many Anchors have never planted anything in their lives and now they can say they not only planted one but they planted MANY. Houston's Main Street Association obtained a beautification grant and called on the Anchor club to come help plant them. We were more than glad to help out and of course had fun at the same time. There were only a hand full of adults there to do this huge project that would have taken them all night to do but with our help we were done in about 2 hours.

Farm Safety Day 2009

Anchors fit 5th graders for a brand new bike helmet. These helmets will be provided to every 5th grader in Chickasaw County through a matching grant with Pilot International that HHS Anchor and Houston Pilots applied for!

Anchor President Elect Kali and Pilot President Elect Ann are helping each other eat their MS State ice cream during our break. Pilot Mabelene is daring Ann to get it all over Kali.

At the end of the day Hunter came to talk to the other kids about how he had a Bike wreck during Spring Break and because he was not wearing his helmet he had to go to the hospital and told them all about the experience. There were 260 5th graders in attendance that learned from 11 different safety stations! It was a fun and informative day!

Pictures from different Projects this Year

Okay now everyone is up to date on all our Anchor activities! Tomorrow we will attend Anchor District Convention and so we will update more later!!! If there is anything we can ever help you or your organization with please let us know! You can contact Mrs. Garner at school or through email or leave a comment here!
Kellan and Thomas get creative with their one Valentine!!!

We made Valentines to send with Hersey Kisses and Hersey Hugs to soldiers overseas with Operation Love from Home. Even the guys helped us at least fold them and stick!

Any excuse to have birthday cake...Jay Tee thankfully had a birthday on the same night as our Anchor meeting!!! It was fun!

Delivering Adopt-a-Family to Project Noel. We had 5 kids this year that we gave a very Merry Christmas to.

Marquazia paints Christmas items on Abby Kate's face so she can show her Christmas spirit at the town Christmas parade that night.

Audrey and Lauren help one of our kids make reindeer food for Christmas Eve!
Anchors volunteered to help the Main Street Association paint 40 Christmas Trees to decorate the town square with during the holiday season. These trees could be purchased by different businesses and clubs and then their logos were placed on them. The square looked especially festive this year and we had a great time! This project proved that doing service projects can be fun!!!

Anchors participate in the town pep rally to kick of f the new school year. We gave out information on Alz. and encouraged people to come to the Alz. workshop that the Anchor and Pilot Clubs were sponsoring at the end of September.

President Jordan and President Elect Kali are taking charge at their first meeting and lead all of our current anchors in a leadership meeting. We are using the word "AUDIENCE" to teach the anchors some leadership skills!
Jordan represents the HHS Anchor Club during the Alz. Training

Hillary looks great while doing her Virtual Dementia Tour!

March Meeting Has Been Changed

Our March meeting has been changed to March 26th. This is so we can plan Cinderella Ball and Farm Safety Day. This is the Thursday after Spring Break.

Anchor Meeting Thursday, January 15 - 6:00

  • We will meet in the library
  • If you have not finished paying due they are WAY PAST DUE!!!!!!!!
  • Bring either a bag of Hersey Kisses or Hersey Hugs with you to the meeting for Operation Love From Home...we will be making cards for soldiers currently serving. If anyone else is interested in how to participate please contact Mrs. Garner ASAP. These must be received by January 31, 2009. Thanks!
  • Also, anyone who has any stuffed animals to donate to the emergency room should bring them to this meeting. We will be setting a time to take them to the ER.

Big Sisters!!!

Big Sis-Lil Sis was even more fun this year since we added the Yachtmen! We all had a great week learning about Anchor/Pilot!!!

All Big Sisters---you need to be getting ready for Initiation week! Monday and Tuesday's items are due in the library by Friday, October 3, 2008. Be sure the new Anchor member has a happy with name and instructions on it! Help each other out to keep it all a secret! Wednesday and Thursday's items should be in the library by Friday, October 10, 2008...Costume ideas should be approved by this day also! By Monday, October 13, 2008 everything should be in the Libary waiting for your new anchor(s). You have 2 weeks to get prepared!!!

DUES ARE TO BE PAID BY WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2008! Please see Mrs. Garner if you need more time or if you need to pay a little at a time! We can work around anything if you just let Mrs. Garner know!!!